The film
centers upon teenage Sarah (Connelly), who lives in a fantasy world of
myth and magic, evil spells, and wondrous enchantment. She is baby-sitting
her little brother when she cavalierly wishes that goblins would take
him away. She gets her wish, and a coterie of goblins abduct him. She
then encounters Jareth (David Bowie), the ruler of a mystical world one
step removed from reality. He tells Sarah that the only way to get her
brother back is to find her way through a M.C. Escher-like labyrinth and
find the castle at the center. As she makes her way through the maze,
she faces a number of horrific challenges (like the Bog of Eternal Stench)
before she finds her way to the gravity-defying castle, where her brother
is being held by the evil goblins. |